Archive | January 2012

Where we live – Part 1

Okay, at the rate I take pictures this is never going to happen, so here it is – let’s call it Part 1


I was watching 20/20 last night and a story about free donor sperm came on.  I was hooked.  This is why I love Americans so much.  They are so darn altruistic.  And just kinda … out there.  The report went on to talk about a couple of women who were using this free service because fresh sperm enabled them a better chance of conception than frozen sperm.  And of course, they had already expended tens of thousands of dollars on infertility treatments and IVF.

I suppose what’s the difference between getting some from a one night stand and answering an ad online?  Either way, you’re spinning the bottle, right?  And this guy actually took measures to produce some grade A sample ….uhh…stuff.  He wasn’t exactly Playgirl material, but what the hey, it was free.  And you could do pick up the sample on site, so to speak, or meet at a coffeeshop.   What could be more convenient?   The FDA however frowns on this sort of altruistic enterprise, so they actually asked him to cease and desist advertising and promoting his sperm.

Remarkably, they focused more on why donors were giving away their sperm for free rather than the typical desperate infertile woman angle.  Of course the comments were more about the women rather than the cost of IVF.  They always are.  What would you do?

Americans, they sure are a spunky lot.

Moving forward

I only lost 3 lbs due to my bout with gastroenteritis.  Hubby says I should be happy with 3, but I’m not cause that means I probably gained a couple over the holidays.  He look about 12 lbs lighter I might add.  Playing soccer once a week.  If that.  Bah.  So if I don’t actually eat anything for about the next month  –  I should be down a dress size.  Seriously?!!!  I  honestly don’t understand why health experts say you better watch what you eat or you’ll gain a pound a year, I can gain a pound a week without even trying.  Must be this middle aged spread I keep hearing about.  Omigod, come to think of it –  I am middle aged.  Time for the half portion senior meals at Denny’s.  Lawdy.  Right after I finish my DQ blizzard.  Ssssh! I’m recovering.

I’m glad 2011 is behind me.  Looking forward to 2012.    I’m back beating the hell out of Bob, the training dummy, and loving it!  I’ve scheduled the Precious for 2 playtime classes and 1 music class a week.  And I will be scheduling more playdates for him. Then in the spring, he should be ready to attend class by himself and then preschool in the fall.  You can tell he’s just sick of our asses already – he really wants  interaction with kids.  Of course, I find out the registration for one preschool located at the community centre was the night I was participating in the Buddhist seminar.  I pick up a package on my way out.  What the heck is it with these parent participation places?  It’s basically like a co-op and you’re obligated to a duty or board job that requires you attend a meeting once a month and then some other junk that’s supposed to take only one or two hours  a week, but if you read what needs to be done, you know it’s going to take even more time.  And then I’ve got to clean the place, too????  When I work, it’s at night, and then I am quite active in my Buddhist community (3 – 4 mtgs a month).  I’m not thrilled, people. And then for twice a week for a 2 hour class, I’m still paying $180/month.  Sigh.  I suppose this is the difference between day care and preschool. Oh, man, this is so out of my element.

It occurs to me that my mum just had to deal with our little asses until kindergarten.

I want to go back auditioning and hopefully booking a gig.  Do you hear me, universe? I need the work! As much as my heart is opening up in motherhood, my brain is turning to mush and I want to be around adults more.

Anyways, the Buddhist seminar went great!  We only had one person registered last week and then we had 10 people show up, so our little room was actually full.  All in all, it went really well.  I felt such a surge of energy afterwards that I could barely settle down.  We all had so many obstacles to overcome, but our we were really unified and I feel so passionate about connecting with people.

2011 was overwhelming for me, so 2012 is all about making effort, staying calm and moving forward.  See what a little GI bug can do for you?

A great way to lose weight

Happy New Year  – talk about out with the old…..I’ve got gastroenteritis (or food poisoning  – why oh why did I eat KFC on New Year’s Eve?) and have been puking and you know what else all day.  I took Pepto Bismol to just to give myself a break but now I realize, I just may be prolonging my agony.  Oh, man. And I have rallied long enough to share this suffering with you.

DH had symptoms New Year’s Eve and simultaneously uncorked the champagne at midnight and his behind at the same time.  This was the most pathetic NYE we have ever had. This morning the kid puked up his morning milk.  Yep.  Yet he seems to have recovered and is dragging my still ailing hubby all over the place.

Here’s wishing you all good health, prosperity and a lot of laughs.