Archive | July 2009

Bizarre sights

Juno's scarNo uterus for Juno

Speaking as a woman, I don’t take it lightly that anyone or anything having their uterus removed.  Spayed.  Ewww.  The above, if you can’t figure it out, are shots of her belly.  The yellow stuff is the surgical antiseptic.  Juno is doing well.  She can’t stand very long and it’s hot as Hades here at the moment.  Vancouverites don’t do well in extreme heat.  It melts our frappuccinos too quickly.   So far, the elevator is working, but I’m not sure if it will last the day.  Did I mention I tweaked my back again lifting her out of the car?  Yep.  All 47 pounds of her.  When will I ever learn?  She also had her two upper baby canines removed (to allow her new ones room) at the same time.    Ka ching!  I have to say that having another dog has made me a little more cautious with their health care.  We have the expensive vet and the cheap vet.  They’re both good, but one tends to cover all the bases and the other is more likely to not charge you for every little thing and recommend a test for this and that.

Oh, I didn’t forget the day of Sampson’s passing, I think about him every day.  This time last year, he was gone from our lives.  No more fireworks noise to upset him, no more panting through hot days.   Hubby has learned the hard way to let me have my way when it comes to the dog’s health.  He tends to underplay everything and I zero in on it and I operate on gut feelings.  He once brought Sampson home with a gaping hole in his mouth and said it was nothing.  He somehow missed the signs of shock and pain.  Duh!  In his world, dogs take their knocks and then walk it off.  In my world, they go to the vet and get treated for gaping wounds and pain relief.   Now he compliments me on my well honed nurturing skills.

And now for another bizarre sight – the day we had that incredible thunderstorm.  I didn’t get any lightening shots, but this is what the sky looked like.

orange sky

Crazy, eh?

Too hot for this @*%#!

I lost my cell phone on Friday.  Swell.  Took the dog for a long walk in the forest and for some reason, I decide to put it in my pocket.  Not something I normally do, but I did it and somewhere along the line, I lost it.  I went back out immediately with my bike and retraced my steps.  Nothing.  Nada.  Just about everyone in this city has a cell phone so I thought somebody would call me at home or turn it in.  Nope.  Hubby even went back out when he came home.  Nothing.  Mmmm.  No, I didn’t check the garbage cans full of poo and trash, though the thought of it crossed my mind.  Did I mention it’s friggin hot here?  Stinkin’ hot.

I go to the place where I got it and of course, they want big bucks to replace my phone – you know, the one I got for FREE when I signed the contract.  I went to Winners instead and bought a Calvin Klein summer dress (size 10 thank you very much), pair of cotton pajama pants and a yellow thong.   Just cause.   I felt like it.  And yes it was less than what the new phone would have cost.  So what.  I was annoyed. I look cute in that dress which is saying something cause I rarely wear dresses.  Now I just need to get matching sandals.  Heheh.

I was hoping DH could swing a deal to get me a new phone but of course, I had to call him first so I had to go to a hotel to find a pay phone.  How quaint. It’s a bit tough to find a pay phone these days as you can imagine, so I had to walk for a few blocks.  Thanks for the help cell phone store guy! Then back to the store to ask him a question – which I couldn’t ask because they were all busy with customers for several minutes.  Off to get mum for our visit.  She has a phone but hubby wasn’t answering.  So I take mum with me to the cell phone store, the answer is no, they won’t service phones from another provider, so off to Starbucks for a cool drink.  I am aware that I am practically tweeking without my cell phone.  Can’t call hubby back cause that would require me dragging mum and me off to find another pay phone and I’m wearing the wrong flip flops that day.  Weird not being able to call anyone at the drop of a hat.

Later, we enjoyed the summer fireworks at my friend’s still unfinished penthouse apartment.  Weird weather.  Really weird. The sky was lit up in a stange orange haze and we actually had a thunderstorm complete with lightening.  We rarely get thunderstorms here.  It was very really cool with the fireworks.

Next morning as I’m taking Juno out, I discover the elevator is not working.  Again.  I’ve been trapped twice in the elevator this year.  This is on ongoing issue and I’m wondering if they’re waiting for someone to die in the elevator before they actually get it fixed properly.   Surprisingly it was fixed before my Buddhist district showed up later that evening for a meeting.  Thank you!

And last but not least, hubby informs me that a big deal at work fell through.  His stress meter is at medium high.  The Bank of Canada says the recession is over.  Really?  Seriously?  Doesn’t feel that way to us. We were just looking at places to buy.   So I guess I can kiss goodbye all but vital purchases in the near future.  So long matching shoes!  Sigh.

Protected: Making a plan

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This entry was posted on July 25, 2009, in Uncategorized. Enter your password to view comments.

The twins

Didn’t make it to yoga yesterday morning but Juno had the touch of the squitters so I elected to stay home and keep an eye on her.  She’s fine, hubby likes to give her things like buffalo bones and they don’t always agree with her.  Miss Juno has a delicate tummy, you see, and she’s been throwing up lately.  Nothing serious, just bile, but it seems to be related to whatever she gets her little mouth on – like eating the cover off a tennis ball, duck poo, said buffalo bones and Terra bones (which never bothered her before, and they’re supposed to be organic treats for dogs but whatever).

So Miss Pessimistic Paranoid (that’s me on the subject of getting a baby) was having a teary fit on her occasional days of work.  I’ve already figured out an exit strategy to avoid telling people the unfortunate news.  I’m going to Bali – Ubud to be specific and I’m going to stay at the Tegal Sari. It’s a local accommodation situated next door to rice paddies, not one worthy of terrorists blowing up.  I’ll be staying for 5 weeks I think – with massages every other day.  The local women will tut tut my sad, childless state and tell me to eat some strange herb.  I’ll do a colonic cleansing – which I swore I’d never do in this lifetime – and go on a master cleanse (another thing I swore I’d never do).  For that, I’ll just have to drink the local water, that should do the trick.  I will lose 15 pounds instantly.  I’ll call on every healer on the island to work their juju on me.  Then I will eat everything that isn’t nailed down.  Should I take a lover?  That could be dicey since I’m married, but hubby will be sad and stoned most likely, so perhaps he won’t mind.  Then I’ll come home, write a book, and go on Oprah and be famous for 15 minutes.   The end.  Please note I have no intention of getting a fertility clinic somewhere to knock me up at the age of 60.

Miss Full of Faith and Optimism also has a plan.  She is much stronger and won’t give in to stinkin’  thinkin’.  She’ll keep busy, keep away from horror stories on the net and take care of her health so that she can pick up her kid and not throw her back out.  She’ll work hard, make money and read bedtime stories with dramatic flair. She’ll hang out with her friend at the local Starbucks with gigantic strollers blocking the path and bitch about being tired and finding the right nanny/au pair so we can get our pedicures done in peace.  We’ll pretend they’ll grow up together, fall in love and make mocha babies.  Oh, yes, I’m sure my friends’ baby is a girl, she hasn’t mentioned anything yet but I bet ya they know the sex and aren’t saying anything to me cause it’s a girl.

I need to flesh out more details on the good news dream.  This is my one big regret:  this is not who I was 5 years ago.  The uber positive, good things happen to good people woman.  Buddhism teaches that no one can avoid problems, not even saints or sages;  that I shouldn’t abandon faith just because it seems the gods have forsaken me.  This matter of infertility and childlessness has been my companion for so long, that’s it’s difficult for me to perceive a life without either of these things being my focus.  Even if I don’t talk about it much, even if I don’t feel sad about it, it’s like this background noise that I can never quite tune out.

I also want to say thank you for all your support now and in the future.  Cause I’m going to need it folks.  And now for something that just makes me smile.


One officially adopted dog

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This entry was posted on July 18, 2009, in adoption. Enter your password to view comments.

More news on agency bankruptcy

Families hit by agency’s collapse.

Ethiopian kids in limbo

If you care to look at some of the comments made after the CBC article, this only highlights some of the attitudes that adoptive parents have to endure.  Yes, we’re all entitled to our opinions, but I would love it if people who have actually experienced adoption through the foster care system or otherwise, share their opinion, rather than people who have no clue.

I’m struggling so hard to make it through this waiting process, maintain positivity and optimism and endurance in the face of daunting challenges.  This is a given if you choose the path of overseas adoption.  I just had the “misfortune” to have to wait longer than a week.  Or a year.

Just adopt, my ass.

How does an adoption agency go broke?

Check out the news behind this adoption agency’s demise.  I believe this is the one that a friend of mine used for her adoption.  And guess what?  She’s in Africa right now with her new son awaiting a visa.  She basically just made it!  What about the other poor families who have yet to receive a referral, or worse, have one and don’t have their child yet?  I was reading some of the comments about this and of course, there’s the a**holes that say oh, why don’t they just adopt a baby at home?  Buy Canadian.  The government can bail out GM but screw the children.  Hello?????  What the freak do you think we were trying to do????  They have absolutely no idea of what it takes to adopt any child!  Ohmigod, don’t get me started!  Too late!!!  Of course, they don’t know that people would love to adopt a child in Canada, but can’t catch a break. The waiting lists are up to 8 years!  Hey, somebody give me a Canadian baby and we’ll be able to go to Disneyland after.   My profile is still languishing in a lawyer’s office somewhere in Toronto (note to self – send them an email to just forget about it).  Adoption is for rich people!?  What was I thinking?    Cause it’s only about the money, right?  Really?  That’s news to us and all the people I know who have begged, borrowed and cashed in everything they can to bring a child into their family.  I want a car to get from A to be but only a Maserati will do!  Screw the Ford.

I’m hyperventilating right now.

My heart is with all those families that have already invested their resources, their hearts and their hopes in bringing home a child and are caught up in this nightmare.