Microblog Mondays – Time flies

Microblog_MondaysGood news!  A mum friend called me and told me that her husband’s place was looking for a temp so I got the job and I’m still working there.  I was packing up office files and now I’m filing.  Unfortunately I have no f/t child care for Thursday and hubby is working so I’m going to have to break it to them that I can’t work on Thursday and my supervisor is working on the holiday but not the Friday so I can’t come in then.  This is where it would be really great to have family nearby to help out on those days you really need it.

I had a callback last week, Boo had his last day of kindergarten (!) and then a big audition on Friday.  Come on universe, throw me a frickin’ bone!  I just know I’m going to be very busy this summer and I’m completely unprepared in regard to child care.  I need work but I also need to not spend everything I make for daycare.  Mmmm, welcome to the real world.

Oh, yeah, kindergarten is done and my Boo is going into Grade 1 in the fall.  Wow.  Gulp.  Now I can finally appreciate when people told me  I was lucky to stay at home with him.  We slept in, we walked the dog, we had time for visits to the beach in the middle of the day and we hung out with my mum at Starbucks. A few years ago, I thought I was trapped in toddler hell  and I never thought I’d get him off my leg and now time is speeding up. He plays further and further away from me and when I lose sight of him for more than a minute, I catch my breath.  Funny how time flies.

4 thoughts on “Microblog Mondays – Time flies

  1. What a balance everything is! I hope that you have other opportunities that come along. Congrats to Boo, moving up from kindergarten! Exciting times, if bittersweet for the fast passing of these moments.

  2. We’re in the same boat with the aging thing. It moves so quickly. Hope all good things come your way this summer — especially on the work front.

  3. Glad to hear you are working, even if it complicates things on the daycare front. Life is a never-ending juggling act sometimes, isn’t it? :p Hope you still manage to grab some enjoyable moments this summer!

  4. “I was trapped in toddler hell and I never thought I’d get him off my leg and now time is speeding up.”

    Yep, that is what it feels like currently.

    I hope you are able to suitable settle childcare issues, and that they don’t pinch the pocket dry.

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